TOPINTERVIEW People Working in KobeChi Woong Yoon

Chi Woong Yoon

Chi Woong Yoon

Company name /
Goshoku Co., Ltd.
Job type /
Trading company
Countries &  
Regions /
  1. Job
  2. Why
    I work in Kobe
  3. Life in Kobe
  4. Message
  5. From
    the company

Job Description

I engage in work that connects with different countries in the world through food

I’m in charge of work that exports Japanese seafood overseas. Our clients are in countries from all over the world, such as South Korea, Singapore, the United States, and Dubai. Every day is satisfying because it’s a job that allows me to utilize the language skills that I have acquired through my study abroad experience and life overseas.
With the number of online business negotiations increasing, I was able to conclude a big contract just by exchanging phone calls and emails after a Turkish staff member introduced me to a Korean company. I was thrilled to be able to accomplish significant results even in unfamiliar online business negotiations.
I find it rewarding to be able to experience such international transactions. I personally feel that the company expects me to play a role in connecting people in different countries. My customers also sometimes tell me the same thing.
I work daily, making it my goal to satisfy both customers, both those who buy the products and those who sell them.


Why I work in Kobe

I loved Japan during my first visit to Kobe and started by studying abroad at a language school

After graduating from university, I worked for an Indonesian company for about a year and a half, and then returned to South Korea. I had the opportunity to come to Japan for the first time visiting a friend when I was 26 years old. Although it was a short period of about a week, I could stay in Kobe.
It seemed to be a very comfortable place to live in. I decided to try living in Kobe first by studying abroad. Since I couldn't speak Japanese at all that time, I went to a Japanese language school for about a year and a half to study Japanese. As I felt that it was difficult to learn Japanese only by going to school, I took on a part-time job and had volunteers teach me Japanese once a week.
I created a lot of time that allowed me to spend time with native Japanese speakers. I then attended a company information session at a Japanese language school, as I had really loved Kobe and was thinking about working in Kobe in the future.
This is when I learned about our company, a company in Kobe that is expanding its business overseas. I decided to join it, as I thought that I would be able to use the skills of living abroad that I had acquired.


Life in Kobe

Kobe is a city where you can work peacefully while enjoying the scenery of the four seasons

The first city I visited in Japan was Kobe. I have always felt that it is a very comfortable city to live in. In my home country, South Korea, many people are living very busily. However, Kobe has a relaxed atmosphere where you can work peacefully. I worked in Tokyo for the first two years after joining our company.
There were many people in Tokyo. I used to commute by train, and it took a long time. Although life was convenient, it was a very busy living environment. Compared to that time, life in Kobe is not so crowded. It’s still a convenient city with train stations, buses, airports, bullet trains, and ports.
I also feel that Kobe is unique in that has rich nature, where you can enjoy the changing scenery of each season. My favorite is Meriken Park. You’ll find the ocean in the front and the mountain at the back. You can enjoy both kinds of nature throughout the year. It’s a place where you can rejuvenate yourself, feeling the time passing while admiring the sceneries that changes with the seasons.



The secret of working in Japan is hidden in the Japanese proverbs

I would like to convey the importance of learning Japanese to people who are thinking of working in Japan. There is a Japanese saying, " When entering the town, follow the town's customs.” Courtesy, rules, customs, and etiquette vary from country to place. In order to live in a foreign country, I think it’s necessary to know and acquire a way of life and culture in that place. You need to understand the language of that country to do that.
This is why I would like to tell everyone that studying Japanese is essential. Of course, you don't have to change everything you have learned or thought about in your own country. It was difficult for me to get used to Japanese when I first started living in Japan. However, you don't have to worry if you’ll be able to understand Japanese. Nowadays, there are many places where town information and signs are displayed in English and other languages.
Especially since Kobe is an international city, there are many non-Japanese citizens. I believe it’s a very comfortable place for people who come to Japan for the first time.


From the company

We handle fish, which is the center of Japanese food, together with human resources with diverse values about food

Our industry especially has a strong relationship with overseas, even in the field of food. This is why we proactively hire excellent human resources, regardless of nationality. This allows people with various food experiences and values to join the company. We expanded our business to Singapore about 20 - 30 years ago.
We now have about 10 foreign talent at our head office and about 20 employees at 6 overseas bases. Although Goshoku is a Japanese company, we have created a system that accommodates the lifestyles and employment of non-Japanese citizens.
We are intentional by doing so that the Goshoku system in Japan is linked to the system of the overseas bases. Although the foreign talent we hire has a certain Japanese proficiency level, the Japanese staff are kind, considerate, and supportive. I believe that contributes to creating a good atmosphere within the company.
Kobe is an international city with many restaurants, shops, and communities of various countries, making it a compact and convenient place to start your life in Japan. I believe it’s a city where non-Japanese citizens can start working with peace of mind.
(Assistant Manager Human Resources and General Affairs Department Emiko Sakai)